Monday, 28 July 2014


An alteration project in Muizenburg which had undergone its design and council phase and then put on pause since last year until now, is ready for construction.

The small scale project consists of an addition of two bedrooms with a bathroom in the garden, those of which will latch onto the existing house. That will include a deck pathway that will connect a garage to one of the new bedrooms.

It seems like an easy task until you consider the site conditions, which will give you a different perspective of the project.

1)    The existing plinth is incredibly high. So high that you can only enter the house through the use of steps from both entrances (back and front).

2)    The second room has to sit exactly on the boundary, meaning that a new wall has to be built on top of the existing boundary wall, without affecting the neighbours.

3)     The new structures will block off the sun from the garden.

4)    The existing house is Victorian, so already


At the same time, those conditions are what help influence the design itself.


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