Saturday, 12 April 2014

Silos & Shipping Containers

Mill Junction, Johannesburg 

In a very rare occurrence, during which I decided to take a work break, I stumbled upon an interesting marriage of very unorthodox architectural elements - a union between former grain silos and shipping containers. Sounds odd, right? Well, the final product is nothing short of remarkable. 
The Karter Margub Associates offspring (which is a student apartment block) boasts eclecticism that comes close to rivaling Antoni Gaudi's work in a modern manner. OK, maybe I am being a bit too optimistic, but you get the gist. 
The silos act as a solid base that provides a sense of rigidity, with only the punctured openings lightening the seemingly hefty nature of the structure. The addition of the shipping containers on top and on one side of the silos adds a visual hierarchy which one can liken to Lego blocks.

The technology is fairly simple, because the structure combines recycled elements. And to allow the whole body of work to speak the same language, steel is incorporated throughout. Starting from the prominently placed steel balustrades that frame the balconies in a  manner that recalls industrialism, straight to the overhead shading elements on the roof top.

This is the kind of building you can either loathe with unfathomable passion, or obsess over like it is the coolest concept ever. Luckily, I fall under the latter. It is proof that sustainability does not always mean dull, and that architects should not avoid that S word!

Check out the following links to comprehend what I am gushing about...


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